June at IC-Summer Arrives

Our email has been hacked!  If you sent an email to icmplwd@sbcglobal.net since Sunday, June 17th, we have not received it because we have not been able to get into our system.  Please email us at icmaplewood@gmail.com or call the rectory at 314-645-3307 with any questions or concerns.  We would appreciate it if all parishioners and/or vendors would send us an email with “email address” in the subject line, so we can begin to rebuild our contact list.

Lots going on!!

IC Night @ Shakespeare in the Park- June 1- meet at Forest Park by the stage at 6:00pm with your dinner, snacks, chairs and comfy blankets to enjoy a wonderful production of “Othello”.

Campfire Movie NightJune 9- we will be making s’mores and watching an outdoor movie on the big screen.  Meet in the IC parking lot at 7:00pm for family fun.  Invite your friends and neighbors.

Huge Angry Birds Teen Night-June 13- always dreamed of participating in a live action version of “Angry Birds”, well here is your chance!  Meet us in the IC parking lot from 6:00-7:30pm for a whole lot of fun!  Grades 6-9 are welcome.

IC BBQ/Kickball Tournament @ Rocket (Deer Creek) Park-June 23 @ 5:30pm:  Meet with a potluck side dish for kickball and a community meal.  Hotdogs and drinks will be provided.

IC @Maplewood Concerts in the Park-June 27 from 6:00-8:00pm:  Join us at Ryan Hummert Park with your chairs/blankets and a picnic dinner or buy BBQ from the Knights of Columbus.

—Just a heads up—-No daily Mass will be held June 4-8 and June 11-15.  Please see http://www.archstl.org for the daily mass schedules for our local cluster parishes.